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Lista de desejos online grátis
Oferecemos um serviço gratuito de criação de listas de desejos online. Simplificando, você faz uma lista de presentes brilhantes que gostaria de receber e, quando alguém compra esse presente para você, pode retirá-lo da lista.
You can create any kind of online wishlist. Here are just a sample of reasons you might need one...
- Weddings
- Birthdays
- Christmas
- Graduations
- Baby Showers
- Communal/Family

If this sounds useful to you, then you can start adding gifts and create a wishlist full of shiny wonderful gifts. We won't ask you to hand over your personal details straight away, you can do that later when you've decided you are happy with our wishlist service and want to keep your wishlist with us.
You can quickly add gifts to your wishlist as you browse online stores by using this Add to Wishlist link. Just drag it to your Bookmarks Bar or bookmark it by right-clicking on it and selecting "Bookmark this link" or "Add to favourites".
Example Wishlist
Here is an example wishlist based upon some of the more popular gifts that our users have recently added.